Why Press Releases Should Be a Part of Your Marketing Mix

Most likely you've heard of press releases and how they're an integral part of any business' marketing plan. Perhaps you're not entirely familiar with how impactful they can be or perhaps you don't think they're worth the cost. No matter where you fall on the scale, one thing is certain...press releases work. So, what is a press release exactly? There's a common misconception that a press release is an ad; however, this isn't true! A press release is an announcement to the media about a newsworthy event that has happened with your company. Press releases are crafted with the intent for the media to publish the article as part of their news content.

From small, local establishments to major corporations, press releases are an important aspect in many facets of business. When it comes to adding press releases onto your marketing wish list, don't hesitate. Here's why press releases should be a part of your marketing mix.

Boost Visibility

Press releases can help virtually any business boost its visibility and establish itself as a leader in a particular industry. By getting press releases on your schedule, your business is more likely to focus more attention on itself and help others learn more about what you do and also why you're needed. This fairly inexpensive service has the potential to generate more leads and as time progresses, more media coverage. There's no harm in showing others the value in the service that you provide, and press releases are the perfect means to showcase your business.

Highlight Your Successes

A press release is an effective way to highlight what's been happening in your business. This may include:

  • New team members

  • New projects

  • Community involvement

  • Charity work

  • Company milestones

Not only do press releases provide the outlet needed to reach your local audience of potential clients, you have the opportunity to spark interest with investors as well. The sky is the limit when it comes to who you can reach with a professionally crafted press release.

Reach the Right Clientele

By delving into more of who you are and what you do as a business, you're able to target not just any clients, but the right clients. So often, businesses struggle with finding qualified leads, due to the fact that it's not clear to others what services they provide. In being able to explain more about your business via press releases, potential clients get a better idea of what type of business you are and if you're right for them. This helps your business obtain more qualified leads that you can turn into customers.

Spread the News

Well-written press releases can have more of an impact than you may think. With options to send locally, regionally and nationally, you're able to reach all types of media outlets. Local press releases are sent directly to local media outlets, while regional or national releases are sent to targeted types of publications and market segments. Press releases provide you with that added level of exposure to help your business gain attention with a larger audience.

As you can see, press releases are integral pieces of the marketing puzzle. Not only can you showcase your business in a new light, you're able to share this news with a greater number of people than other advertising methods. Your business deserves to flourish, so let others know what you do through a press release campaign and start spreading the news!

The Screaming Fans Marketing team is ready to help your business thrive! Let us help you with your marketing needs. Call (239) 601-1119 or visit www.screamingfansmarketing.com to get started.

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